April has been a crazy month for gigs, (3) but nonetheless it's been a wonderful month. On Thursday 11th April I was lucky enough to win tickets to King Charles' gig that evening at The Wedgwood Rooms in Portsmouth. As it was such late notice I went to the gig with my mum but still managed to have an amazing evening. My favourite songs of the night included Bam Bam, Love Lust and Mississippi Isobel. The crowd's vibe and excitement was unbelievable. When listening to King Charles' album LoveBlood it is completely different from the live shows. I'd previously seen King Charles at Blissfields Festival last year and I immediately fell in love. After the gig the King himself came out and I managed to get a photo with him and he signed a poster I'd just bought; a true gentleman.
King Charles |
Next up was Peace. I'd previously seen them at the NME awards tour in Bournemouth when they had been given an extended set as Miles Kane was unfortunately ill that evening. This time I went to see them at The Wedgewood Rooms on 23rd April and as usual they were fantastic. Every single member in the audience was blown away by their upbeat songs like Lovesick, where sassy frontman Harrison Koisser attached his iPhone to his guitar and was filming the crowd, to their more peaceful songs like Float Forever and California Daze. The indie boys had everyone singing along to every song. The evening was just incredible. Their support band Superfood opened the show with a bang and entwined everyone with their rocky pop sound. Superfood closed their set with their self titled tune Superfood which was the only song they've currently released online and quite a large amount of the crowd were singing along.
Peace |
Finally was Dog Is Dead, the gig I'd been waiting for since last Halloween when I'd seen them play at Thekla in Bristol, a truly outstanding and memorable gig. Yet again they were absolutely fantastic. Definitely my favourite gig this month by far and also in my top 3 gigs (Dog Is Dead x2 and Swim Deep). The support bands were Kassassin Street and To Kill A King who were both really good and I'm definitely going to buy TKAK's album now. To begin with the crowd was quite small and I guess because it wasn't a sold out show it was obvious that it wouldn't be full up. They opened with a new song titled "Sin" which sounded brilliant. They then moved onto play tracks from their debut album All Our Favourite Stories (blog post about it).
Talk Through The Night
Any Movement
Do The Right Thing
Get Low
*I'd Never Hit You Back*
Two Devils
Burial Ground
River Jordan
Glockenspiel Song
Young (acoustic)
Teenage Daughter
Talk Through The Night
Any Movement
Do The Right Thing
Get Low
*I'd Never Hit You Back*
Two Devils
Burial Ground
River Jordan
Glockenspiel Song
Young (acoustic)
Teenage Daughter
Before playing Glockenspiel Song, Joss (keys) and Rob (lead vocals, guitar/bass) persuaded the crowd to form a "Wall of Love", and Joss crowd surfed during the peak of the song. They then left the stage and just Rob reappeared with his acoustic guitar announcing "this will be a quiet one" and came down to play at the barrier. After the first verse of Young the rest of the band rejoined and created a sexual harmony for your ears. Ending their fantastic set on Teenage Daughter was the right thing to do (pardon the pun) as the whole crowd were singing the song back word for word. It was a truly remarkable gig and Dog Is Dead are definitely a band worth checking out.
Someone was lovely enough to film various songs at the Dog Is Dead gig so here is a link to a playlist I've created of them all.
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Someone was lovely enough to film various songs at the Dog Is Dead gig so here is a link to a playlist I've created of them all.
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